Home » New York City Environmental Justice Alliance, NYC-EJA: A Powerful Voice for the Marginalized
New York City Environmental Justice Alliance
New York City Environmental Justice Alliance
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New York City Environmental Justice Alliance, NYC-EJA: A Powerful Voice for the Marginalized

The New York City Environmental Justice Alliance (NYC-EJA) is a network of grassroots organizations that fight for environmental justice in the city.

Environmental justice means that all people, regardless of race, income, or background, have the right to a healthy and safe environment.

Unfortunately, this is not the reality for many low-income and minority communities in New York, who face disproportionate exposure to pollution, waste, and climate hazards.

New York City Environmental Justice Alliance, NYC-EJA
New York City Environmental Justice Alliance, NYC-EJA

That’s why NYC-EJA works to empower these communities and advocate for policies that protect their health and rights.

What does NYC-EJA do?

NYC-EJA has been at the forefront of several campaigns to address environmental inequities in the city. Some of their achievements include:

  1. Pushing for waste equity, means reducing the amount of trash that is dumped in overburdened neighborhoods and increasing recycling and composting.
  2. Promoting waterfront justice, which means ensuring that coastal communities have access to resilient and sustainable waterfronts that can withstand flooding and sea level rise.
  3. Supporting just transitions and energy, which means advocating for renewable energy sources that create green jobs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  4. Demanding transportation justice, which means improving public transit options and reducing air pollution from cars and trucks.
  5. Raising awareness about extreme heat and air quality, which means educating residents about the health risks of heat waves and smog, and providing cooling centers and resources.
  6. Creating an online portal and a report on environmental justice issues in the city, as mandated by local laws passed in 2017.

How can you support NYC-EJA?

If you care about environmental justice and want to support NYC-EJA’s work, you can:

  1. Visit their website here to learn more about their mission, members, and campaigns.
  2. Follow them on social media [here] to stay updated on their news and events.
  3. Donate to their cause [here] to help them continue their advocacy and outreach.
  4. Join their mailing list [here] to receive their newsletter and action alerts.
  5. Volunteer with them [here] to get involved in their projects and activities.

READ ALSO: How Environmental Justice Case Studies Can Inspire Celebrity Activism


NYC-EJA is a powerful voice for the marginalized communities that are most affected by environmental injustice in the city.

By working with grassroots organizations and allies, they strive to create a more equitable and sustainable future for all New Yorkers.

You can join them in their fight for environmental justice by supporting their work in any way you can. Together, we can make a difference.

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