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Climate Change

Transforming New York City: The Role of the Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice, MOCEJ

New York City stands as a global hub of diversity and population, yet it also faces heightened vulnerability to the consequences of climate change.

From the challenges of extreme heat and flooding to the burden of air pollution and instances of environmental injustice, the city grapples with multifaceted issues that imperil the health, safety, and overall well-being of its inhabitants.


In light of these concerns, Mayor Eric Adams has ushered in the Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice (MOCEJ), a novel initiative that seeks to amalgamate and orchestrate the city’s endeavors in tackling these predicaments and fostering a more sustainable, resilient future for the entirety of New York’s residents.

Understanding MOCEJ and Its Functions

MOCEJ, a recently established entity under Mayor Adams’ climate leadership team as of January 2023, emerges as a keystone.

It exercises oversight over four preexisting city agencies: the Mayor’s Office of Climate Resiliency, the Mayor’s Office of Climate and Sustainability, the Mayor’s Office of Environmental Coordination, and the Mayor’s Office of Environmental Remediation1.

Additionally, MOCEJ collaborates closely with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), under the stewardship of Rohit Aggarwala as chief climate officer and commissioner, as well as Vincent Sapienza as chief operations officer1.

Kizzy Charles-Guzman, formerly a policy advisor during the Bloomberg administration and a prominent figure in the city’s sustainability and resiliency initiatives, assumes the role of MOCEJ’s executive director1.

MOCEJ’s central mission encompasses the execution of policies that rectify the gaps in environmental and health equity.

This goal is pursued through active measures to enhance accessibility and inclusivity across all tiers of the planning and decision-making processes, coupled with endeavors to ensure just safeguarding against environmental and health hazards.

Furthermore, MOCEJ is resolute in fulfilling Mayor Adams’ pivotal commitments encompassing climate sustainability, environmental justice, and resilience, namely:

  • Establishment of 100 megawatts of solar power installations within schools, libraries, community centers, and other public edifices1.
  • Expansion of citywide projects geared towards bolstering resilience and infrastructure1.
  • Commencement of a significant clean energy complex at the Wards Island Water Resource Recovery Facility1.
  • Completion of New York City’s inaugural comprehensive inquiry into environmental justice1.

The Significance of MOCEJ for New York City

NYC’s reliance on MOCEJ is crucial.

It recognizes that climate change affects communities beyond the environment, becoming social and economic issues that hit diverse groups harder.

Marginalized communities face pollution, limited green space, and climate risks while contributing least to greenhouse gases.

Mayor Adams’ MOCEJ addresses these disparities and aims for an 80% emission reduction by 2050 and carbon neutrality by 2070.

Ultimately, it makes NYC eco-conscious, livable, healthy, prosperous, and fair.

Engaging with MOCEJ

For individuals interested in delving deeper into MOCEJ’s undertakings or actively participating in its endeavors, multiple avenues exist for engagement:

  • Explore MOCEJ’s website2 to gain comprehensive insights into its vision, objectives, initiatives, partnerships, resources, and forthcoming events.
  • Track MOCEJ’s updates, news, activities, and opportunities via its social media accounts567.
  • Enroll in MOCEJ’s newsletter to stay abreast of its strides and accomplishments.
  • Establish contact with MOCEJ to share feedback, suggestions, queries, or concerns.
  • Participate in MOCEJ’s public engagement events to voice perspectives, ideas, requisites, or preferences pertaining to various environmental subjects.
  • Align with or support the numerous environmental justice organizations collaborating with MOCEJ to advocate for parity and justice in New York City.
  • Initiate local action to diminish environmental impact, fortify resilience, and augment one’s quality of life.


The Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice emerges as a pioneering force, endeavoring to reshape New York City into a haven of sustainability and resilience for every citizen.

Through the consolidation of multiple city agencies into a cohesive entity, MOCEJ aims to streamline environmental efforts, fostering inclusiveness, equity, and efficacy.

Furthermore, MOCEJ champions diverse initiatives directed at curtailing greenhouse gas emissions, safeguarding the city against the consequences of climate change, and addressing the disparities in environmental and health equity faced by disparate communities.

MOCEJ extends an open invitation to all New Yorkers, encouraging them to join hands in realizing its mission and becoming architects of a brighter, more promising future.


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